When it comes to garnering an efficient and motivated team, most of the employers and managers oversee it. It becomes perhaps even more essential when your company is working remotely – such as in the current situation.

To understand how you can keep your employees motivated to work productively, you first need to know why you need it!

Right now, everyone is stuck behind their screens at home, with munchies, and if they’re lucky enough, some booze at their arm’s reach. Now, this might sound like a perfect work-cation to many, but at deeper levels, it’s degrading the motivation to work better each day. The reason being; there’s no physical positive reinforcement that will give them direct feedback on their work. Hence, the motivation dips in!

Moving on, let’s talk about how you can keep oiling the lamp coming straight from our Managing Director Karan Kapur’s journal!

We personally vouch for these tips as we practice them with our team religiously, and they work like a charm!


Communicate beyond work

Do not restrict your communication to merely work, that puts a wall in the employee’s head that nothing matters more to the company than work, and eventually, diminishes the sense of belongingness with the team.

Keep your interaction breezy; ask your employees how their day was, what they had for breakfast, what’s keeping them sane, how are they holding up mentally, if they have adequate supplies, and so on.

Making your team feel comfortable in reaching out to you for support of any kind is one of your personal accomplishments that you should be proud of.

Drawing from our experiences- it keeps the team bound together with a light heart.


2. Give that push

Most often than not, a great idea is just a motivational push away. Your employees might be sitting on the edge of cracking that billion-dollar insight, but out of fear of it being a vague suggestion, they might refrain from bringing it to the table.

They need to know that their ideas and inputs are just as important on a zoom conference call as they were in the round conference room.

It also retains their focus towards working productively and instigates the required pump.


3. Avoid bashing for trivial matters

You can also consider this tip as a general hack at handling the team well!

Work from home is equally or even more difficult for you – we agree!

However, shift your perspective from a personal to a more holistic one; working remotely comes with certain loopholes and scoops more space for errors.

Evaluate each mistake carefully before jumping on the conclusion and scrutinizing the team for a mistake they have or might not have committed.

The reason, you ask; it mitigates the stress and negative tension on intergroup and intra-group levels.


4. Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate

We have to admit: this is the golden rule at keeping the team spirit soaring and roaring!

With appreciation, comes motivation, a better workflow, and lesser mistakes!


We connected all the dots for you with one simple, but incredibly essential reinforcement – appreciation!

You don’t have to sing a saga of victory to your employees, rather, simple remarks like ‘Great Job!’, ‘Amazing input’, ‘Good work today’, ‘I like your insight’ will take your teamwork a long way!

To sum it up, it’s the little things that you do at the end of the day that matters the most. In the modern work culture, we all are well-acquainted with the casual and friendly work environment and Team Brand Bulls root for it, big time!



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