February 11th is observed as the ‘Safer Internet Day’ worldwide and with as many as 4.54 billion active internet users globally, we find it essential to address the creeping issue of unsafe internet usage.

With China, India, and the United States being ahead in the list of most active internet using countries, the crime rate is equally high in these areas, making everyone online a susceptible victim to data phishing, theft, and cybercrime.

Brand and Cybersecurity

With the shooting rates of internet usage, it’s safe to say that the internet has become the biggest platform for brands to promote themselves and polish their marketing as per their customer base.

Having said that, they should also not overlook the responsibility they carry of securing their customer’s data as it can either build or entirely tarnish their reputation and the trust that they’re expecting from their customers.

How Cybersecurity affects customers ?

We have seen gigantic companies hit by massive loss: both financially and professionally due to a poorly monitored cybersecurity protocol in the past few years.

This led to a muckle of their customer and clients to back off, and rather deal with a company that’s more concerned about the security of their data.

As the user-base becomes more aware, they lookout for signs and signals if your website is secured or not. When the brand is prioritizing its customer’s security, the trust level instantly goes up a bar and promises a good sale scale for the company.

How to combat cybercrime

With an intelligent attempt on Phishing, Malware attack, DDoS attacks, the hefty criminals can suck up your data. Some negligence of the staff and a poor security system of the company can help them exploit it when it can hit your brand the most!

To save yourself the downgrade; make sure that your IT cell is well-verse, the software used is protected to the maximum extent, passwords are constructed as per security protocol, VPN is used internally, continuous assessments are carried out, bugs are fixed, and an essential training is given to the employees on how to keep the data safe within.

With just a diligent effort and closely watched security system, you can save your company a good reputation, and also a trusting customer base that’s not afraid to share their data with you.

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