While the industries around the globe are upturned over the much anticipated and massively feared hit that’s going to be struck by the COVID-19 crisis, we are going head-over-heels on how big benefit small-businesses can make out of it!

Now, as most of the population is practicing self or government-induced quarantine, everything from consumer behavior to the social media perception has changed.

It goes without saying that brands have leveraged this challenge into another opportunity to put into their creative showcase on, some of which have done some seriously appreciable work.

So, what is that the small businesses or start-ups can do to make their ways back in the game?

The answer is quite simple but utterly difficult to implement.

To clear the clutter of a thousand crippling questions, let’s dive right into the strategies that can make your business a heroic version of itself.



You can’t turn a blind eye to the fact that the quarantine period has served as an opportunity for you to skyrocket your marketing.

Identify the potential relationships and communication that you can build with your TG at this time. You must know what are they looking for and how is the available information helpful for your brand.

Put an aim on some potential stakeholders too- if you’re looking to expand. This is a great time to showcase your work and keep the hook in the space where everywhere’s shooting their dart foresightedly.



Now that you know what to do- aim for the right platform, and push the content as aggressively as you can.

First things first, channel all your energy on social media and play with the algorithms to make the most out of it.

Get to know your audience, understand their needs, evaluate the market trends, innovate new ideas, and rebrand and refresh your outlook.

However, you might want to steer clear from building an ‘opportunistic’ image in front of your audience. No matter how many underlying benefits it may have, the crisis has triggered immense sensitivity amongst people.

Always work like you’re going to be remembered for your actions. Your user base is watching you and perhaps making a fine assessment of how you came up as a brand to aid in the pandemic situation.


This leads us to the next part of the process:


Every brand wants to be remembered, but at what cost, is the question!

You are here to create a lasting impression and build a bigger market cap. For that, you have to make sure that your brand’s presence is smart, intelligent, and distant from being vague.

Maintain your idea’s integrity while working on the implications, make inspiring content, and always keep engagement at priority.



In the social media biz, there’s more than just one regular way of being the star on the screen. You simply need to strategically put the right tool in use for the right amount of time.

For instance, in this time when most people are stuck on their phones, you can loosen some pockets and spend a generous amount on ads.

This is going to benefit your reach and visibility, but also, don’t cross the thin line between ‘recurring’ and ‘spamming’.

If you’re being too pushy with your product, your audience will wear out of interest and may end up switching to some new, more enriching content to consume.

Understand that now is not the time when your product might sell (except if you’re selling any basic commodity or essential service), but your brand will make a grip on its audience.

That’s what your aim should be – to create a richer customer experience and strengthen the customer base that could be targeted later when businesses are back to the factory.

Understand that your audience needs a sense of comfort from you. You need to assure that no matter what happens, your brand will always put their needs first. Such communication will automatically generate brand loyalty amongst your customers.

In conclusion; make it a generic attitude to look out for your audience, especially at this time, when everyone’s promoting health and well-being before any other product or service.

This is going to construct your good-will, and it certainly worked well for us as a Marketing agency!

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